
Fire Sprinkler System Inspection Checklist for Arizona Building Owners

Fire sprinkler systems provide your commercial building the optimum protection in case of an emergency situation, providing peace of mind against fires. In fact, sprinklers and hardwired smoke alarms reduce mortality rates by an astounding 89%, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).

If you already have this fire protection system installed on your commercial property, we have created a fire sprinkler system inspection checklist to make sure you’re following the safety standards in Arizona.

You have to remember that a fire sprinkler inspection is done by a fire safety professional and you can have a monthly, quarterly, or annual inspection.

Monthly Inspection Checklist:

During monthly inspections, here are the most common things that we follow through for your building’s fire sprinkler inspection.

Visual Inspection:

  • Check the control valve to ensure it is in the open position.
  • Verify that the alarm valve is properly sealed.
  • Inspect the pressure gauges for any abnormalities.
  • Ensure the water supply from the pressure-reducing valve is uninterrupted and accessible.

Alarm Testing:

  • Activate the alarm to ensure it is functioning correctly.
  • Test the pressure switch to verify its proper operation.
  • Check the flow switch to ensure it activates when water flows through the system.

Sprinkler Heads:

  • Visually inspect all sprinkler heads for signs of damage, external leaks, corrosion, or obstructions.
  • Ensure that the sprinkler heads are not painted or obstructed by storage items.
  • Check for proper orientation and alignment of the sprinkler heads.


  • Wet pipe system
  • Normal water supply pressure on gauges should be inspected monthly.
  • Dry pipe system
  • Nitrogen pressure alarms should be checked for low air pressure.
  • The dry pipe valve should have the same pressure as the system’s gauge.

[Read More: When Is A Fire Sprinkler System Required For Commercial Buildings?]

Quarterly Inspection Checklist:

More intensive testing and inspection are usually required for quarterly inspections. Here are the functionality testing protocols that we follow:

Water Flow Testing:

  • Conduct a flow test by opening the main drain valve to verify the water flow and check for an indication of normal supply water pressure.
  • Ensure the water flow alarm and supervisory alarm devices activate and trigger the building’s fire alarm system.
  • Record the flow test results for future reference.

Control Valves:

  • Inspect all control valves to ensure they are in the open position and functioning correctly.
  • Inspect pressure-reducing valves and make sure that they are in the open position. not leaking, and maintaining downstream pressure.
  • Lubricate valve stems, if necessary, to ensure smooth operation.

Fire Pump Inspection:

  • Test the fire pump to ensure it starts automatically and operates at the correct pressure.
  • Inspect the pump controller and verify its functionality.
  • Ensure that fire department connections’ valves and gaskets are not damaged.
sprinkler for fire protection

Annual Fire Sprinkler System Inspection Checklist:

Annual inspections include all the steps from our monthly and quarterly checklists. Here’s an overview of how we conduct the annual inspection for your commercial property:

Full System Functional Test:

  • Conduct a comprehensive functional test of the entire fire sprinkler system and alarm valves.
  • Activate each zone to ensure proper water flow and sprinkler head activation.
  • Inspect the piping, hangers, and seismic bracing for any signs of physical damage.

Obstruction Clearance:

Frequently Asked Questions About Fire Sprinkler System Inspections:

What Is the Standard for Sprinkler Testing?

The standard for sprinkler testing is defined by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 25. It provides guidelines for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of water-based fire protection systems, including sprinkler systems.

What Do the OSHA Standards Require for Sprinkler Systems?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards mandate that sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained following NFPA standards.

What Are the NFPA-13 Sprinkler Clearance Requirements?

NFPA 13 specifies the space requirements of your sprinkler heads to ensure the maximum protection that each sprinkler head covers. This depends on the type of sprinkler system you currently have and how massive your building is.

Get Optimum Fire Protection Today

inspection of fire pump

Getting thorough inspections for your fire sprinkler systems can definitely help ensure your commercial building’s well-being in cases of fire emergencies. Make sure to contact B&W Fire Security Services for any of our inspection, installation, repairs, and maintenance services!



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